Dettagli spot

Spotter gertjeR
Spottato a Heerjansdam, Netherlands
Data 2024-11-29 03:51

Opvallend dat deze al best lang in Nederland is zonder gespot te worden. Vriendelijke eigenaar die nog even wachten, zodat ik nog een paar foto's kon maken. -- It is striking that it has been in the Netherlands for quite a long time without being spotted. Friendly owner who waited a little longer, so I could take a few more pictures.


Camera model Canon EOS R6m2
Aperture 5.6
Shutterspeed 1/30
Focal length 62.0 mm

Dettagli auto

Velocità massima 250 km/h
Accelerazione 0-100 km/h 4.30 s
Potenza 560 hp
Frizione 680 Nm @ 1500 rpm
Peso 1845 kg

Numero commenti a questo spot

  1. Profile pic
    ITALY Dalzzz  -  per 06:35

    Brutal! Must sound great with that exhaust!

  2. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Jfvspots  -  per 08:34

    Nog een vette BMW!

  3. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS autospotter#lenno  -  per 17:12

    De M5 F10 is ook echt dik!

  4. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS gertjeR  -  per 20:43

    Bedankt allemaal voor de comments! -- Thanks to all for the comments!👍

  5. Non è ok

Altro BMW M5 F10 2014 spot

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