Dettagli spot

Spotter mufracsek
Spottato a London, United Kingdom
Data 2024-11-22 20:00


Camera model Galaxy S23 Ultra
Aperture 1.7
Shutterspeed 1
Focal length 6.3 mm

Dettagli auto

Velocità massima 296 km/h
Accelerazione 0-100 km/h 5.50 s
Potenza 512 hp
Frizione 1020 Nm @ 1750 rpm
Peso 2730 kg

Numero commenti a questo spot

  1. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM JJMad  -  per 00:45

    Cool find!

  2. Profile pic
    HUNGARY mufracsek  -  per 08:22

    Thanks @JJMad The Mulsanne is not a fresh car, but still one of my favourite luxury cars. Unfortunately, here in Hungary it's extremly rare, but in London I saw at least 10 in one day.

  3. Non è ok

Altro Bentley Mulsanne EWB 2016 spot

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